Rank Insignia
I only know of one other manufacturer in the United States making rank insignia in Sterling Silver and we are the only one making older style insignia in Sterling. One of our feature items are War Eagles, not made by anyone else.
A few items from 1840 to WWI rank insignia, the ranks are similar but very different from today. |
Until WWII rank insignia did not chnage, but in WWII the number of manufacturers grew and diesigns chnaged. The best deisgn of WWII was the Luxenberg shown above. Just one of the many ranks of that era. |
From the Korean war until Vietnam and mix of WWII and a slightly newer design, but only of Colonel the rest remained the same except more and more in clutch backs. |
The Vietnamm era saw a total switch to clutch backs and a move away from sterling insignia. Also a move to the current designed insignia. We have reproductions of a few items with that era hallmarks. |
Current insignia in Sterling and our exclusive War Eagles in Sterling shown above. |